Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day Conversation

To begin mother's day I thought a nice bout of nausea would be nice. And it was. I was also half-asleep during this fun time, when all-of-a-sudden, my hubby walked in the room with a big glass of chocolate milk. I asked my stomach how it felt about that, and it said it sounded OK. So, then I said, "Hun, will you please go get me a glass of chocolate milk?"  ...

His response: "nope"

Me: (thinking to myself: how rude, but i really am desperate because I know if I stand up the nausea will increase so, I decide to fight this one..) out loud I said: (in my most whiny voice possible) PLEASE WILL YOU GO GET ME SOME CHOCOLATE MILK!

He was on the computer now, looking at deals on ksl/craigslist (a favorite pastime of his). So, I attributed his next response to the fact that the computer was obviously more important than I.
 He said: "Hun I really think you will be much happier if you go get it yourself"

Me: (so angry at this point but too tired to change my tactics, I increased the whine) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO GET ME SOME CHOCOLATE MILK!!!

Now, this conversation went on way longer than it should have with similar responses still being repeated from both parties. Finally, because my husband really loves me and is more patient and sweet and wonderful than I, he got me a glass of chocolate milk. I drank the milk and fell back asleep.

When I finally got my haunches out of bed, I went into the kitchen to find something else to shove in my mouth. On the floor was a giant white box with a note on top. "Happy Mother's Day......(it said other loving things too)...." And on the box was a picture of something similar to this: 
What a snot pump I am. What a serious jerk I was. How big of a stinker can you get?

There I was being a bad word to my husband, and his true reasoning behind wanting me to go in the kitchen that morning was so I could receive my awesome mother's day present. I have yet to truly make up for being such a snot. But, the point is, I have an amazing husband. I am thankful for him and for his thoughtfulness.


Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love it. I pictured the whole thing in my head. It was fantastic.

Our Jarvis Jive said...

Ha ha that's cute...I am sure you two will remember this one for awhile. ;)

Jen said...

Bahahahaha, I can picture this, too. You better listen to Colten's subtle hints better, huh? I still am glad he graciously brought your chocolate milk, too. Breakfast in bed is a grand mothers day tradition, you know.