Saturday, October 23, 2010

Couponing. (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can)

Well, my 2nd actual-ever-real-somewhat-trying couponing experience of my life I thought I did pretty good. (I still got a long way to go, but hey I'm still a beginner) I will say this, I saved more than I spent. And that's (in my beginner's book) in the category of "pretty good." So, technically today's experience would be my 3rd time actual-ever-somewhat-trying-harder to coupon experience. I didn't save more than I spent, but I only spent a dollar and some cents more than I saved. And, according to my boss' guessing of how much I could have spent on the items I bought, I saved approximately 4 dollars more than I saved. (confusing? I know) Either way, I'm excited about it, and I think I will get better with the help of a couple of my sisters-in-laws who are hardcore couponers- they got serious skills most of us would never even imagine of having. haha, seriously they are impressive, and with a little mentoring maybe I can one day be considered among the greats. Thanks to coupons I also got my boss and I two free drinks at Taco Bell, ya know those drinks that usually look pretty good but that ya never even consider because they are not in your price range? (price range for drinks meaning that it looks something like this: water-----water) Yep. Two limeades coming right up! I thought that was pretty sweet.

----trademark of today's couponing experience-----
The [priceless] fact that after I had recieved help two times from a worker to find certain items in the store, (keep in mind I didn't buy that many items so walking around until I needed to ask for help two times is kindof a lot of times) I finally get to the register, excited and relieved that I'm about to witness the kind of savings I haven't seen yet before in my lifetime------then all of a sudden, as the checker rings up the last 2 items, and as I reach into my purse to grasp my wallet I realize something----------my wallet is NOT THERE but in my wonderful school back pack----good thing----------as I frantically search my mind for a way to pay for these beautifully couponed items I cross out most options: I know I don't have cash in my wallet (which isn't a helpful option anyway seeing as how the wallet isn't with me), I don't think I can round up enough coins to pay for all this, (even if I could i don't know that I could do that to an unsuspecting cashier-i've already couponed every item, then to pay in coins? No way) and my mind joyfully lands on the last option: my car. The phrases Do I have money in there? I've got to have money in there---please tell me there's money SOMEWHERE IN THE CAR! and There hasn't been money in there in a while but this time there's gotta be... continue to run through my mind while the words coming out of my mouth are somehow explaining to the cashier that I don't have money, but I will get her some. THEN I remember. (angels sang at this precious moment) I DO HAVE MONEY IN MY CAR. My total price was $9.26 and my name was sitting on a ten dollar bill sitting in the console of my car awaiting it's turn to be spent. So I ran, I grabbed, I ran back, and I conquered. Then I carried my couponed items out to my car, shut the door, and breathed a sigh of relief.


Unknown said...

I got kinda stressed there in the middle.

Anonymous said...

I was at the store with you. I would have covered you girly! :)

Tigger said...

I have basically done the same thing. Yeah, it was embarrassing! I am so proud of you!