Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pretty sure- one of the top 5 greatest things you'll ever hear.

i have now purchased a replacement pair of herculesnephitejelly shoes from wal-mart. Oh and thanks to wal-mart "always having low prices... always" i got them for only 3 dollars and 50 cents :) i was basically living it up when i put those babies on.

my 4th of july- well i must say i found a new talent- i am BASICALLY a professional kneeboarder. ya- if you need any tips you just ask. i will gladly share.
ok i'm really not- but i will be honest i had a glorified kneeboarding moment when i stayed on for like 10 frickin minutes.

i also worked the night of independence day. freedom isn't free. but God Bless America- land that i love (have you seen 'the proposal'? that song should take on whole new meaning :))

that morning we had a chili dog party at the theater- do not worry i didn't complete the whole day without any embarrassing moments, i just happened to spill every tiny last piece of powdered sugar on my leg that originally was on top of a lemon bar thing. do i know how it happened? no. but was the lemon bar still good without the powdered sugar? yes:)

Oh another awesome moment of that day- we had a tour group of teenagers come in saturday night (about 40 people) and for some reason the credit cards that that particular tour company has been using haven't worked on our system. do i know why? nope. the cards/ our system are both stupid. so long story short i had to get on the phone with the company and then they wanted to speak to the specific card owner so i had to go get the tour guide and bring him up to the office... that sentence sounds like its going in an inappropriate direction- but its not dont worry :) hahaha. anyway i was in a hurry because these movies start at specific time and he was missing his movie so i was going up the stairs as quickly as i could (something i should have thought ahead of time as not a good idea) and i was running in front of him because obviously he doesn't know where to go so it couldn't be one of those situations where you look around and think 'oh good no one saw' OH no - he saw, i totally biffed it. i just picked myself up and didn't look back at him because i didn't want to see his reaction because im not a fan of the i-feel-bad-for-this-person-whom-i-dont-know-so-i-dont-wanna-laugh-but-that-was-freaking-hilarious face. But overall he was pretty nice about it. and the embarrassment passed quickly because i was too rushed to stop and think about it. anyway there ya go. have a good day. a good week. and a good month. and for the record- a small piece of advice, dont run up stairs.


Melissa and Michael said...

ooo I need a lemon bar recipe.

Tia said...

I'm we got to hear one of the top 5 greatest things :)
Sammy I love you! You're so great! <3

Unknown said...