Monday, August 8, 2011

Career Step---2 meanings

So, I officially enrolled, just now actually. is where the magic began :) Actually it started with one idea from my hubby, who in casual conversation mentioned, Medical Transcription, I then discussed with my mom (what the heck) that was, and since that moment,every once in a while...[specifically on horrible days at work] it kept popping up in my mind, "Medical Transcription Sammy, Medical Transcription!" So, I finally listened and started finding out a little more about it, found, but couldn't make any for sure decisions.

Then... Last week in Young Womens all of us leaders had to introduce ourselves and one of my fellow leaders said that she did MT and that just got my mind really-a-goin, and so on Sunday I chatted with her about it, and she did it through too!!! Small world?! I think not! I think that Heavenly Father just gives us opportunities and says, "here ya go, its up to you though" As i was asking her all about the program she couldn't have been more in love with her job and more excited to tell me about it. She said, "the only downfall is I wish I'd done it sooner"
Most people don't feel that way about their jobs...

I'm hopefully on my way to feeling that way though! Ever since high school ended I have been trying to figure out what to do and gone lots of different routes, and ultimately I'd still like to become a teacher (i think) but this program can help me achieve a good job now, and I can continue to work towards that degree all the time. This job would also enable us to start a family (not that we're going to any time soon I'm not hinting) because I can work from home and would never have to quit my job! Its just good to find something I'm actually excited about!
*I even found out I guess my grandma polve used to do MT...must be in my blood... haha. Anyway, I'm excited, and I wanted to share with y'all.

1 comment:

Claire said...

That sounds awesome, Sammy. :)