Friday, November 12, 2010

Life question # 5000

So, since getting married I have learned a lot about my husband I never knew when he was my boyfriend, and I still didn't find out when he was my fiance. That sentence may bring the word (DUH) into most of your thoughts, I know I know, I'm just sayin. Anyhow, 1 major thing comes to mind as i type this post,

#1: He likes doing dishes...............................yep. (SWEEEEET HUH!)

A) (i've been writing a lot of outlines lately, just go with me here.)
B) About this doing dishes thing, he does them the opposite way I do them.....

let me explain, I fill up the sink on the side opposite the garbage disposal, then as I clean them I rinse the junk down the garbage disposal. I don't think it's too crazy!? But, he puts the plug on the side of garbage disposal, cleans them in that water, then rinses them in the other side of the sink!? I guess I grew up thinking everyone did them the same way. So, here is my question for y'all, what side of the sink do YOU do the dishes on? Although my bet is that 99% of you have dish washers so this isn't totally applicable, but I'm just wondering. and now that I've set your curiosity on a lit firework, we DO have a dishwasher, however, we don't use it. Why? We both agree (strangely enough) that it takes less water to just do them in the sink, and it's faster, and we just like it better. I can honestly say I took part in that vote and I am fine with doing dishes so no big deal :) but tell me? which side of sink do you start with?

P.s. I like the Pioneer Woman. I just realized I'm like 1.5 million people too late to figure this out. but I do, she has a good website.
and i just cooked up some pork chops from one of her recipes, it went over well. :)


Maria Nielson said...

Haha, that reminds me of the post I did about dishwashers. We didn't start using our til a couple months ago. I caved, I didn't think we should be using one when you can just do it by hand. BUT, being pregnant, washing dishes hurts your back REALLY bad (sounds weird, but I promise it does). Anyway, I wash dishes just washing them under the running faucet and then put them in the drainer...? Shay thinks I'm weird. And you know, it probably wastes MORE water than anything but...Haha...That's how I grew up doing it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, doing dishes by hand hurts your back when you're pregnant I agree 100%! I used to throw dishes in the dishwasher. Then I met Aaron and his family washes them by hand. So I got in that habit. We do have a dishwasher. Never have used it. Not once. Wouldn't even knkow if it works. ha ha. I fill up soapy water in the side of the sink with the garbage disposal. Put the dishes in it. Scrub them down. Put them in the other side and rinse them off. Then I empty the side with the water and wash the pots and pans. (If the dishes have food or whatever on them I do those either before I fill up the sink or after I drain it. :) your too funny Sammy!

Unknown said...

Currently the dishes get dumped in both sides and washed in both sides. We don't have a garbage disposal though. If we did though, I wouldn't put them in that side. Yep, we were raised the same way. (Crazy.)

#5000 eh? That's a lot of life for such a young person :)

rick.and.kels said...

i do the dishes the same way as you sam :)