Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another Story.

So, this spider story happened a few months ago at my bestest buddy Nicole's house. Nicole and I were just chillin watching twilight. I felt a slight tickle on my arm (through my jacket sleeve) and thinking it was my hair i kinda just barely glanced down at my arm, and because we were in the dark, all i could see from the light of the TV was the shadowed shape of a giant spider on my arm. i froze for a second (literally only like half a second) wondering what to do, so i take my arm and swing it to my left attempting to fling the spider anywhere- as long as it was away from me, i didn't realize the coffee table was right next to me so i hit my hand on the coffee table (which did hurt but i didn't even think twice about it at the moment) i jump up (and continued kinda jumping cuz i didn't know where the spider landed) and had my jacket off within like 2 seconds (this is where they got the idea for 'jacket on' 'jacket off' part in the new karate kid movie- watch the trailor if you don't know what im talking about) and all of a sudden i was clear across the room on the other couch. Nicole was like are you okay? what the heck? i think i kinda said what was happening as i was using the flight part of my emergency section in my brain, probably something like, 'whoa, spider, arm, ah' idk, i dont remember that part as good you'd have to ask her. So then me and nicole are laughing (im still shaking though at this point) but neither of us moved or did anything till her mom and sister came into the room hahaha because nicole's mom was like it was silent and then all of a sudden i hear screaming and laughing! so nicole's mom and her lil sis teamed up and took care of the giant spider which they found behind the couch then smashed with a broom. and they can attest to the fact that it was seriously giant. That's my story. I should write a book. My family wonders why i'm so scared of spiders. try havin them try and eat you on a regular basis, you'd be scared to.


Jen said...

You need to eat more vitamin b or something, girl.

Karli Hinton said...

oh my, i would be freakin out too!! ha