Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Even better than the last one.

So, I've been waiting ever-so-patiently to hear something absolutely golden to come from one of the preschool children. Well folks, it wasn't golden, in fact if you were to describe it in a visual sense it was more green and airy and sort of wooshy...

Picture this, (because obviously I'm not going to go take random pictures of other people's children)

I was sitting there, playing with magnets, and talking to one of the brightest girls in the class. Seriously, she writes her name the fastest and the most "Kindergarten way" ish, and she sometimes would rather sit and read with a teacher or a nook than go outside to play with the other kids. So, being that she is pretty sweet, quiet, respectful, intelligent, etc...

You can imagine my surprise when she looked up from her magnets and smiled as she said, "Guess what, I just farted."

And it didn't take me long to realize that she was most certainly telling the truth.