Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Heres where we're at...

Or at least where we were at...The tile is currently being put on the roof so it looks a little different now but this is the jist of our house. It is really long, but not very deep, kinda like a trailor haha. Thats why its not all the way in the pic, but on the far right its just the garage and on the left you can pretty much see what it looks like. Pretty exciting:)

Life's crazy right now- to say the least. Maybe, just maybe one day I'll get this patience thing down and stop worrying about everything. haha.


Maria Nielson said...
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Maria Nielson said...

Where is your house at? Hurricane right? Exciiitttiiinngggg!!!!! I'd be so impatient right now to start the decorating and such!