Thursday, November 13, 2008

livin la vida loca

living the crazy life. i hope- actually im pretty positive i didnt spell that right- but oh well. everything is crazy. i'm supposed to sing at yw evening of excellence on sunday- then at the roadshows wed and thurs- then another time but i can't write because it's a surprise and a certain person who may read this cannot know about it- and yesterday i got a sore throat!!! and today it still hurts and my nose hurts and i really dont wanna be sick. i'm ticked. it doesn't hurt to sing, but i hope it doesn't sound too bad. its not a super bad sore throat and i'm gonna drink hot water with lemon and honey everyday pretty much till it feels better- its just the worst possible time for me to be sick. And this happens right when pedicures are pickin up and so i'm just so busy!! I just hope that everything works out- but i know i just gotta have faith and stay positive. I've learned (as most women do as they get older... not that im old but of course i'm stil learning) that when i'm in the slightest negative mood i immediately want chocolate- or some sort of other tempting food and then it makes me sick and then i feel worse and then want to eat more and its an ongoing cycle of craziness. I'm trying to not eat my way through the next two years, haha but October was a bad month. November has brought a little more joy to my life though, because i'm tryin to be better. I think honestly Taya helps a lot cuz she is freakin rad- that whole family rocks- my family helps tons- being busy is a blessing- and just being happy despite my rage about certain things that go on in my life. Most of all, i just want my sore throat to go away. Any advice?


Claire said...

Gargle salt water. Works every time.

Kyle said...

Don't do it!!!! It's the most disgusting thing you could ever do, I almost puked last time I tried it!!!! The best thing to do is drink lots of water, and if you MUST talk, talk in your normal full voice don't whisper! Oh and throat lozenges! Good Luck :)

Veronica said...

There's this stuff that you can get at the health food store called Grapefruit Seed Extract, liquid concentrate....Isaac made me take it last year when my throat was doesn't taste very good but you can put it in juice...anyways my sore throat cleared right was like magic!

Veronica said...

you can also ask my dad what different things to do...he knows a ton about that kind of stuff...

Unknown said...

Try the salt water thing for sure, and it's good you're going to do the honey and lemon water too. Don't sing for a while until your throat feels absolutely better, and don't eat sweet Sam, or give in to any other temptations. Good.

Claire said...

Don't listen to Kyle. He doesn't know what he's talking about. The salt water thing may not taste great, but it sure feels good when you're after over. It works really well.