Friday, May 7, 2010

The P90X journey begins.

welllll, don't expect me to look like that lady. let me just get that phrase outta the way. but, i am bustin this program out like you aint never seen--- let me rephrase, like ya aint never seen me do. haha. Susannah has been doing this for 5 weeks now? she's kicking my toosh. i just have to laugh sometimes when i look over and she is doin push ups like its nobodys business and i'm still doin the 'girl pushups' but i'm improving. i did some workouts when i came home on the weekends during april, but now its the real everyday deal, and there have been some lazy moments on my part but honestly you feel so good, no INTENSE, after you do a workout and they're different everyday so ya don't get bored, and some of them are fun. ok, mostly one of them is fun haha. but its fun doin it with susannah even though our schedules are mis-matched most of the time. (or i just am sleeping when she gets up to do it before work) but hey this is only one week down. i'm getting used to feeling kinda sore, everyday. but i love that feeling to tell ya the truth. anyway, well see how big my muskles are at the end of 90 days, go me! go susannah! go P90X! Bring It!

JUSTIN BIEBER! apparently he's kindof a big deal around the age of oh idk 3-95 i guess. i did buy two of his songs for one of colten's nephews yesterday and i must say, i really quite like them. haha who knew?

1 comment:

Jen said...

what time you guys do it? room for one more (plus two small runner arounders?) email or text me what time!