and the first pic aint too pretty, but that's about as good as it gets. i tried purposely taking the pic with the word 'turbo' that was written on the side of the skidsteer because it made me feel just that much cooler. lol. i really enjoyed doin this work though, taking out trees is quite the stress reliever if ya ask me. Oh and last week i graduated from none other than the Hunter's Safety program :) haha i feel so...redneck. but i really do like hunting, and i really do like working outdoors. i really liked that i was driving a caterpillar brand skidsteer and i was wearing a John Deere hat. my dad gave me that hat its actually really cute, its white with brown writing and pink underneath. when we went to get gloves for me i sincerely tried finding just some normal but small sized gloves, but the only ones the store had in a size small were pink and they said "tuff chix" on em. haha so i got em! gotta love it. I've just had some sweet experiences the past two weeks. i just remembered i got a pic of those gloves on my phone because i sent one to susannah cuz they were so funny/sweet. so who's jealous of these babies:

they really did come in handy alot. haha "handy" get it? thats funny if ya got i'm a nerd. anyway, besides the spider bites from helping haul logs, the two days i spent on the ranch were fun, and the paycheck was nice.