Sunday, December 14, 2008

just thankful.

well, i like blogs, cuz you never know when your gonna make someone laugh so hard they cry- or when you're gonna inspire another person. my cousin amy inspired me, to share with you what i'm thankful for, now with thanksgiving and stuff and everyone blah blah blahing about how thankful they are i got sick of it- which is terrible but its true, but then i read her blog and i thought gosh i'm dumb, this is a wonderful time of year, it only comes once a year, and if we're gonna show gratitude we might as well do it now. I'm thankful for so much in my life, but the one thing that will always be there for me is my family, and so most of all here is my thanks to them:
  • My family. I know full well that i have been extremely blessed to have such an amazing family- its not anywhere near perfect, but its something that i can call mine...forever. I love my family. Even with it's imperfections, even with the differences we all have, even when we all make mistakes, i really love them, i dont know that i could ever show them enough how much i love them, and i know that i take them for granted but i really love them, with every single part of me. i'm thankful for jenny being so freakin smart and her always being nice to me when we were little (haha...really tho) and for her choosing a husband that always makes us laugh. and i'm thankful for her 2 beautiful children. I'm thankful for Sara- her kindness can be overwhelming sometimes and i almost wanna tell her to be mean just for once but i really am thankful for the unconditional love she shows our whole family. I'm thankful for her also choosing a wonderful husband who takes care of their family and fits in so well with ours. Im also thankful for her little boy brycen whose smile lights up the room- even after he just punched grace, haha we all know he doesn't mean it :) I'm thankful for Emily- she is gorgeous, and she just cracks me up- tho i haven't been able to share as much time with her as our other siblings, we've got plenty time ahead to get to know each other better and i'm so lucky to have her as a sister. i'm also thankful for her darlin daughter Sadie, who is always so ready to give hugs to make your day just a little bit better. And who always makes me laugh:) i'm thankful for jesse- for being on the same page when it comes to sense of humor, for giving as well as taking advice (even tho i dont usually know too well what im talkin about) and for being such a good big brother. Thanks jesse for never really beating me up, for laughing at my stupid, stupid jokes, and for being the best brother anyone could ask for. Last, but certainly not least-i'm thankful for Susannah, little does she know how much she means to me. 14 months isn't very much time in between 2 girls, and tho i used to hate it, she and i have become so much closer- and i guarantee we will become even more so as time goes on. She is a beautiful girl and she doesn't even realize it, she loves more than most people ever will, and she is always there to listen to me, even if i do bug her cuz my room and my side of the bathroom has been pretty messy these past few months. (ok, its always been messy...) ok, actually last are my parents, my dad, aka supergospelcitycouncilmanfarmerjohnman, has always been one of my heros. (my other hero is my mom but well get to her in a second) i've definitely wished many times that he could just stay home more, but how on earth could i be that selfish and miss out on the example that he sets by being the hero to so many other people. He gives and gives and gives. He is wise, and teaches me lots and lots. Always has, always will. he is the head of this wonderful family, but my mom is the neck, and thats who is at the bottom of this list, because last the best of all the game. my mother means more to me than she will ever know...most see her as very strict, sometimes a little too strict, and very to the point. but i've gotten the wonderful chance to see who she really is. I've spent more time, just talkin to my mom, than any other member of my family. I've woken up at night, gone into her room and she will sit and talk to me for hours- helping me figure out life, even tho she needs rest more and more as time goes on. She gives, and gives, and gives, and gives some more, and never, never gets appreciated enough. The obstacles she has climbed through in her life are sometimes chamoflauged by her everyday service and smile. But my mother has been through so much pain, and so much heartache, that she will get her spot in heaven. Sometimes i'll admit, she seems to be ridiculous, but ultimately its because she cares so much, She cares so much for our family that she will tell you straight up what your doing wrong and if we'd just heed her advice 100 percent instead of 90 percent of the time we'd all do a lot better, She cares so much for animals (this is where the ridiculous part can come in) that she will do whatever it takes to make sure that her animals (as well as everyone elses) are taken care of. She cannot stand to see any living thing suffer, which is why she spent so many years in nursing, even tho for her health that was probably one of thee worst professions she could have chosen. My mother has sacrificed so much in her 50 some odd years that she deserves more credit than she gets. I love her and could never thank her enough for what she has done for our family. At this point, when there are no more words to say, last i write, I dont know that i could be any more blessed, I'm just thankful.

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